Our ambition

We want to realize a vision. We rely on our values, our business strategy and our brand promise to achieve this corporate goal. Together with our customers and business partners, we want to shape the future of travel.


In July 2017, the OEVKG -Oesterreichische Visa und Konsular Gesellschaft mbH was established with the aim to take customer needs of visa and legalization processes seriously and implement through technologically advanced solutions. We moved the question, how can the order and the application process in the interest of the traveler and the applicant be more useful and transparent? Based on many conversations OEVKG found a solution.


Currently the consular processes are largely characterized by analogous processes and dealing with a lot of paper. Here we put on our business. We have built our business in particular in the areas of Operational Excellence and IT. In these areas, we want to remain forward-looking and play a key role in our industries.


In achieving our business goals, we rely on our values, our business strategy and our brand promise. Together with our customers we want to shape the future of consular processes.

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