UPDATE - Russia delays processing time canceled
06/07/2018 08:41

The Russian consulate has announced that the technical problems have been resolved and that the usual processing times will now apply again.


RUSSIA - Delays in processing time
29/06/2018 12:41

The Russian consulate informs that there may currently be delays of up to EIGHT days in processing due to technical problems; this applies to applications submitted to the consulate since 27.06.2018.

IMPORTANT: This affects EXCLUSIVELY business visas with company invitation and humanitarian visas – regardless of whether express or normal processing. Business visas with an official invitation (FMS, electronic FMS, telex) and tourist visas are NOT affected by this delay.  

Consulate of Saudi Arabia will be closed from 15.06.2018 up to and including 22.06.2018
08/06/2018 11:07

In observance of Eid El-Fitr holidays, the Embassy of Saudi Arabia will be closed from June 15, 2018 until Friday, June 22, 2018 inclusive.

Updating our privacy policy
24/05/2018 10:44

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

First things first: Thank you very much for using the ÖVKG Visa and Consular Company in the past.

We see it as our duty to inform you about changes to our privacy policy. The protection of your data is always our priority. Due to the new European data protection regulations, we have updated our privacy policy for you with effect from May 25, 2018 and created an overview of our data processing.

The changes include a more detailed explanation of how we use your data, including your control options and your rights. Your data will be processed for the consular purposes requested (e.g. visa, legalization, A1 certificate, EU registration obligation). The data will be treated in strict confidence and used exclusively for these purposes. Further information can be found in our privacy policy.

We would be pleased to continue to assist you with your consular needs.

With best regards

Dr. Julius Heintz

Russia - new insurance regulations for business visas
23/05/2018 15:41

The Russian consulate has announced that in the case of a double entry valid for 3 months, the travel insurance no longer has to be valid for the entire 3-month period, but only for the first entry.